Dan, while Vance's comments were widely interpreted to be focused mainly on establishing high risk pools per se, I believe that given the context -- Vance defending Trump's claim that he "built on" the ACA after repeal failed -- that Vance was sketching out a reprise of the Trump administration's attempt to establish a medically underwritten, lightly regulated parallel market to the ACA marketplace by extending the allowable term of Short Term Limited Duration (STLD plans). Combine that market with Trump-era CMS Administrator Seema Verma's ACA "waiver concepts" for states looking to remake their ACA marketplaces and you have Trump/Vance's "concept of a plan." Verma's waiver concepts included replacing premium subsidies with an HSA-like account that could be used for premium subsidies in a plan of the consumer's choosing; states completely redesigning their market's subsidy structure; states subsidizing ACA-noncompliant plans; and states establishing high risk pools. I've made the case that Vance was sketching out something like the STLD market + Verma's waiver concepts here: https://xpostfactoid.substack.com/p/trump-does-have-a-healthcare-plan

Verma's brief with the concepts is here: file:///C:/Users/Andrew%20Sprung/Downloads/Waiver-Concepts-Fact-Sheet.pdf

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P.S. Vance spox William Martin's statement to you reinforces this read:

“Senator Vance was simply talking about the significant improvements President Trump made to the Affordable Care Act through his deregulatory approach, which aimed to bring down the cost of premiums while ensuring coverage for pre-existing conditions,” spokesman William Martin wrote in a text message.

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