
This Tom Llamas interview with a neurologist presents the truth that any doctor or medical student can easily see -- as this doctor says "from across the mall."

Both candidates have cognitive issues.

It's insulting to us out here in the hinterlands to have elected representatives spin what our "lying eyes" can plainly see. When the national media go along with these lies, it further erodes any confidence in government and the "free" press's watchdog role.

Like the old joke says, "If you lie to the government, it's a crime. When the government lies to you, it's politics."

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Now, please do a write-up on what Ronny Jackson did or did not do as #45’s doctor.

And write extensively on what hundreds of medical experts have diagnosed about what’s ailing/warping #45. And what they published about their diagnoses in giant, signed ads/articles.

And media needs to counterbalance this frenzy about Biden taking a cognitive exam with calls to have #45 take an exam again.

This time, an exam where they hold #45 in an area long enough to have any secret drugs wear off. And then have a neutral party witness a drug test just before #45’s cognitive test. Then have a panel of experts witness the new cognitive test, to replace Ronny Jackson’s “person, man, woman, TV, camera” one.

Media needs to refocus their efforts to inform the voters’ mind instead on the existential threat posed by #45’s megalomaniacal NPD, which was amped up by all the drugs reputedly fed him by Jackson in the White House, & by who knows which compromised doctors since #45 lost the 2020 election.

Media’s been negligent by ignoring #45’s off-the-rails comments & verbal meltdowns at rallies, his dystopian Project 2025, etc., all while climbing up the ivy at the White House to peek inside at how Biden’s doing.

And media’s not been calling for the adjudicated rapist (a close friend of Epstein’s & frequent flier on his Lolita Express plane, plus multiply-accused serial sexual predator aside from judgement in case he lost), adjudicated thief of charity, adjudicated “university” fraudster, multiple-bankruptcy-declaring (after being multiply-sued by contractors he stiffed) escapee of debt, adjudicated eponymous-business fraudster (who owes close to half-billion in penalties for that fraud), twice-impeached failure as president, Jan 6 Committee condemned instigator of insurrection, fake-electors’ un-indicted co-conspirator, and top-secret-document thief to drop out of the race. Why not?

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You and your colleagues need to interview neurologists -- off the record -- since most won't want to be accused of making a diagnosis without seeing the patient -- and ask them if they believe White House Physician O'Connor when he wrote last night that neurologic exams showed "no findings which would be consistent with ......Parkinson's .." Any clinician of any specialty or any PCP can clearly see signs of Parkinson's -- but that doesn't mean the President has Parkinson's Disease. Any prudent physician also knowing and seeing the President's obvious cognitive difficulties would recommend a full workup to include blood tests, biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases, and brain imaging studies. And a complete battery of sophisticated neuropsychological tests. Now the patient -- and his family -- might refuse those. That's any patient's right. But the American people need to know if those tests have been recommended and refused. We're talking about this man's fitness to be President for the next 4 years. Sometimes signs of Parkinsonism can be seen with more severe types of dementia which can progress more rapidly. Doctors owe patients a duty of accurate diagnosis and also prognosis. The voters deserve to get straight, honest answers from both the White House and the physicians who work there. Too many laypersons in the U.S. have personal experience with relatives with neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's to be bamboozled by what so far has been fed them by the White House and the complicit media.

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Now ask the same about #45.

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