I’m still amazed that Big Media doesn’t more routinely cover the gaffes of the melon-colored one. Meidas Touch Network put out an astonishing collection recently of what #45 has been like — madman-level rambling, slurring, mumbling, grinding to a halt.

There was a recent stat that the NYT had perpetrated ~ 10:1 coverage gap of Biden’s debate issue vs. the raging dumpster fire of #45’s issues. Would have expected the ratio to be the reverse, based on frequency alone.

Especially egregious is that NYT is not burning up the front page every day examining the proposals in the Project 2025 democracy-ending plan. And every other website, paper, or magazine that believes itself to be home of journalism’s finest should also be doing that.

#45’s interviews or rally performances, with their resulting mountain of gaffes (especially when the drugs start wearing off), and Project 2025 are not — & should not be treated as — old news: he’s running hard to stay out of jail, country be damned.

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I have been waiting and hoping you would write about this here on your Stack. Thank you for doing it. I am right there with you on this, and have done my own personal writing about my experiences with relatives who are in their 80s and 90s and on this decline. Of course they don't want to talk about it or be evaluated or for any independent evaluation of their faculties. This this this and all of THIS: "The focus has been on reacting to an urgent crisis, like physical trauma or a heart attack. There’s historically been no training for the scenario they face today: whether an 81-year-old president is showing signs of needing a cognitive test.

— There’s also no real protocol for White House physicians or others to proactively raise concerns about the president’s cognitive health. "

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